Thursday, August 26, 2021


Who Are You? The Wildly-Deranged, 

True-Life Story of Krystill Lokos


Kristy Sokol

Genres: / Faith / Comedy / Musical / Drama / True Life

Rating: R for / Language / Drug Use / Rape Insinuation / Sexual Content

True Life Testimony link is included at the bottom of page. A video by Troy Black, revealing the work of the Holy Spirit in regards to this screenplay, at a vital point in the synopsis, is crucial to understand the depth of Jesus in this production and how it correlates to that part of the synopsis. Watch the eight, minute video. This is not a rabbit hole, it's amazing and pertinent. 



The beginning credits are part of the movie as part of the art piece. Who Are You by The Who, with Christian ad-libbed lyrics, plays during the beginning credits, in full performance, sung by Roger Daltry and or Alice Cooper. 

Zane and Norm are throwing a football back and forth out in a grassy field. The Holy Spirit dove flies down between them, yet in more of a triangle formation with Krystill further back in the shot. A lightning bolt flashes down, turning the dove into Krystill. As Zane throws the football, Norm turns to look at Krystill. The football hits Norm in the head, causing him to hit the ground. He gets up and they both run after Krystill. Lightning strikes again, turning her back into the dove. Nick Carter, Shia LaBeouf, Jessica Beil credits on screen.

On Norm's farm, Tatooey walks on the railing of the pigpens fence with a basket of corn kernels. The Holy Spirit Dove fly's over and poops on the fence railing. Tatooey slips on the bird poop, falling into the pigs water trough, Tatooey credit on screen. Masterson is in the pigpen riding a saddled pig. The pig bucks him off. He fly's up into the air, Masterson credit on screen in freeze frame, then he face plants it in the mud. Bubba and Rizzo are each hanging on a cow udder, swinging back and forth, milking the cow. Bubba and Rizzo credits on screen.

Tony and Norm fly fish at Silver Falls Oregon. They also play in a tree fort with a schooner helm attached to the tree. Tim Allen credited on screen. 

Owlbert and Sam Eagle do silly moves as they walk out from behind a tree or trees. They sneak back behind the tree with silly moves. In the woods, Judy, Sam and Chris together, dressed in choir robes, doing the see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil dance, also doing some Three Stooge's antics on each other too. Chris Tucker, Roseanne Barr, Sam Eagle credited on screen.

Jesus standing at the trunk of the glowing, tree of life. This part of the song is banging and cracking the drums, as he lights up with white and blue arcs of electricity during those beats. Brian Head Welch credited on screen.

Shot circles to other side of massive tree with the beavers rocking out. Winston singing with a branch as his microphone. Poinsettia playing her toy guitar. Winston playing air drums with tree branches that have orange maple leaves attached. Sandler, Shannon and Spade credited on screen.

Andy Griffith theme song plays as the beavers whistle to the song as they walk through the woods to Norm's cabin. Rest of crew credits in this part.

SHOT 2: CLOSE UP OF 'WANTED' SIGN ON A TREE TRUNK. Refer to Kristy's storyboard: Wanted sign with Brian Welch as Jesus in a jack in the box reads [ WANTED ELLO POPPIT REWARD 30 PIECES OF SILVER ] Poinsettia, with her guitar strap hanging around her torso and right shoulder, she's also carrying a bow in her left paw with arrows hanging on the same shoulder. She shoots an arrow into Jesus' right mid rib area. Oily, watery, rainbow-juice gushes out of the stab, oozing down the tree trunk. The words [Based on a True Story] appears and then disappears on the tree trunk below the Wanted sign. Then the words [The Wildly-Deranged, True-Life of Krystill Lokos] appears. END OF BEGINNING CREDITS.

The beavers arrive at Norm's cabin in the woods, where they come to hear a shocking story of forgiveness and repentance. These born-again beavers have some really off the wall, goofy, characteristics. 

The Beavers knock on Norms door. Norm opens the speak-easy door and says, "Uuuuuh, what's the password?" 

Beavers respond, "We be the be-weaving beavers in the Holy Swiss Jesursh." 

NORM "Really? I never wood of guessed such wisdom from a colony of radical beavers with haircuts like bare butts."

Masterson Rat opens the lower half of the speak-easy door. Happy J is wearing his gag glasses with one spring eye drooping. Masterson says, "Don't let your brains fall out." Poinsettia beaver tells Masterson that Happy J's brains fell out a long time ago. Masterson says, "You're kidding?" Poinsettia says, "I wish I was." Winston and Masterson talk about how the boss has Masterson working with the pigs and how Yolanda keeps him hydrated. Winston says, "Righteous man. She's hot."

While in the kitchen, Tatooey Rat falls into the rainbow-light, communion juice of Jesus and says, "Lord have mercy on my soul! I've seen the light." / Rizzo Rat says, "You've been listening to Dark Side of the Moon again, haven't you?" Bubba Rat carves Swiss cheese into the crucifixion of Jesus, with his machete, The Holy Swiss Jesus.

Next to Norm is Sam Eagle, sitting at a table spread with unique, communion items that we see being brought in by the Rat's riding on harnessed piglets, in acrobatic, Harlem Globe Trotter style. Poinsettia becomes disgusted after she notices Jesus juice all over Tatooey's body. TATOOEY (sounds sort of drunk) Why, whyyy drink it... when you can swim in it, (hiccup) and hear the flowers sing. Happy J says, (like a sheep), "I would wike to take a bah-ah-ah-th in it. May I pweash?" POINSETTIA (looks at Happy J with distaste), "You would. You're so nasty sometimes." WINSTON, "Haaaaaa! You guys are soooo weird."

Sam Eagle says to Tatooey, "You didn't?" SAM WATCHES AS TATOOEY WALKS ON WATER OR IN THIS CASE HE WALKS ON JESUS JUICE WITHIN THE PUNCH BOWL. SAM (eyebrows lifted, open beaked and gasping in awe with his right wing covering his heart) "You did." WINSTON "Haaaa! Classic!"

Norm and the gang say and do more comical antics before the story of Who Are You begins, but you have to read the screenplay.

Norm opens up the magical, movie book titled, "Who Are You?", where we see the words on the pages begin to spiral, turning into a moving, movie-picture that we zoom into, to begin the story of Krystill Lokos. 

1984 - 4th grader Krystill wants to be an archaeologist, while her girl scout troop all want to be veterinarians, because they're at the V.F.W. thinking that a veteran is a veterinarian. Winston Beaver makes fun of these girl scouts. Indiana Jones wall picture comes to life for a cameo and says, "Preach it sister". Owl Bert the wall owl says, "Oh no she did not". Norm says, "Oh yes she did." 

Happy J says some profound, revelatory things about the makeup of the word archaeology and reveals from his side, fur pocket a jar with his brains inside. Poinsettia is disgusted. Later on in the story, Winston says the jar of brains can't be Happy J's because they're too big. He then grabs the jar and sniffs it in disbelief.

1988 - Led Zeppelin's, Ramble On plays with no dialogue, during the party where Krystill is raped. We do not know that she is raped until everyone leaves. When the bedroom door closes from the outside of the bedroom, words appear on the door, 'Raped by Robert'. Krystill tells her counselor what happened. He's required to notify the police. Krystill does not press charges. Norm and the gain reflect on, forgive each other as your Father in heaven forgives you. 

Robert Plants, Heaven Sent plays, as Krystill has a dream of going down the drain of a sink, seeing people in agony and torment at the bottom. Then a black shadow stands over her as she's lying-in bed. She's not able to scream or wake up due to sleep paralysis.

1990 - Krystill's friend Norabell shows her the back side of the U.S., dollar bill. Norabell questions Krystill, "What do you think these words mean, Novus Ordo Seclorum? Why is there an eye on top of the pyramid?" Krystill has no clue. Norabell then asks Krystill, "What if hell is real?" Krystill speaks in thought narrative in her mature-woman, Beil voice, "Norabell's question remained untouched, hibernating in my mind for 30 years, until one day I asked myself the same question." 

1995 - Krystill goes to the U.K., Stonehenge. While goofing around at Stonehenge, she explains in thought narrative why she's there. After leaving Stonehenge, while in the car drive to a bed and breakfast, she lip synchs most of Michael Jacksons Black or White because it happened in real life and the lyrics go along with the 3D vision that happens that night at the bed and breakfast. The lyrics say: Now I believe in miracles and a miracle has happened tonight, I am tired of this devil and black and white and color, and the rainbow miracle in Krystill's heart goes with the song.

While sleeping at a bed and breakfast, her heart buzzes three times, which wakes her up. She has a 3D vision of a rainbow arc that comes out of her heart. 

KRYSTILL (speaks in thought narrative) I wouldn't understand why my heart buzzed three times or the meaning of the rainbow until 24 years later.

Then Tatooey rat sits at the foot of the Holy Swiss Jesus, that's carved from Swiss cheese, talking about the Jubilee in poetry style, pondering the rapture. TATOOEY "You can say that again. And I'll tell you one more. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. I fall into His Grace, arrest my troubled face. The dirty, broken rag I be, cleaned by His blood, has set me free. He lifts me up and carries me, into the heavens, upon the Jubilee." 

Impending Future, The Rapture - On Screen with the Law and Order sound byte and Laugh In's Sammy Davis Jr. doing his, 'Here come the judge bit". Youtuber Razorfist goes on a rant about witnessing the rapture and how he thinks it's aliens, or lizard raptors, but then ponders God. 

RAZORFIST "Well folks, the aliens have finally arrived. Yup, they've come and taken their chosen ones off to their honey-nut tree in the clouds. Yesterday, around the world, millions of people vanished suddenly into oblivion. The only thing left was their clothing. What a bunch of perverted aliens. I'm all for a good time, but naked and vulnerable in the hands of some off world lizards, gives me the Hee Bee Jee Bee's. A few people told me it was the rapture from the bible, but I'm betting on raptors from Jurassic Park.

The vanishing has caused people to go bat, ass crazy. I was grocery shopping when shit hit the fan. People vaporized, leaving nothing but their rags behind. What got me was this woman who started convulsing like David Byrne in the music video Once In A Lifetime. She was doing the sprinkler dance, baptizing people like a Vatican lunatic. She looked like she was in some drug induced trance, under the influence of some tribal-head, medicine man. One minute I saw her shopping, the next minute she's got the master of puppets up her ass. 

I mean if there is a God and if He is real, then why all the secrets? God is the ultimate occultist, watching our every move from some ethereal domain? If God is real, He must be the master magician. Now that I think about it, if God is real, then why did He make the earth? Is earth some kind of game board between God and Satan? We're the live players on the gameboard of life, and if we're endowed with the gatherings of knowledge and truth we're somehow saved? God Fuckin Speed."

1997 - Two psychiatric ward stays. One is done with the song Carry Fire by Robert Plant, ad-libbed Carry Holy Fire. 

Krystill is in a room with a mattress on the floor. There is no handle on her personal bathroom door, just a metal plate where the handle should be. Hospital staff, Abbey, brings in a tray of food and two hospital gowns with snap buttons. Krystill ties the gowns around her like a Hawaiian dress. This scene indicates what is happening, but we don't see the vulgarity. Although we do NOT see what's about to happen in its full Monty, after eating, and drinking from her large, plastic cup of ice water, she urinates in her cup, to the brim, and defalcates on her empty plate via squatting, placing the warming lid over the plate, because there is no door handle on her bathroom door, and because she is locked in her hospital bedroom. 

Abbey comes back in the room. After seeing the pee filled cup, she looks under the plate lid to find a poop emoji with a smiley face jiggling to the music, cartoon hearts rising up from the poop emoji.  Words appear magically on the wall behind the bed, "Oh poi! Oh joy! Oh rapture! What do we have here? Hawaiian poo poo platter and pineapple pee pee. Hospital delicacy for a delicate flower. Yours truly, Teacher of the Testaments." This scene is done with respectful taste, despite the harsh reality of it. Jesus is in the shots. 

Jesus, with his head down, elbow on other wrist, with his hand on his beard in deep thought, walks across the room, next to the wall. He stops in the middle of the wall, turns his head, looks straight into the camera, lifts one eyebrow, then vanishes in a bolt of lightning, transforming into the white dove of the Holy Spirit. The dove flies into the wall as if it were a ghost passing through the wall.
This video is proof that God is in control of this screenplay. This guy does not know me, but what the Holy Spirit showed him was me doing this screenplay, this is vital. He saw a girl splashing white paint on the wall. She draws a bible with a sharpie marker and writes in the bible and all over the wall. Jesus said, "We are living in borrowed space". Jesus also said, "Stop being afraid to make a mess and a splash for my kingdom, you are the voice to the culture, these are my rhema words". Jesus also said, "Explode with truth. Now it's time. There's a hesitancy in my people's hearts". Like the hesitancy of holier than Thou Christians like Rhonda Mirfin in Hidden Secrets.
Watch from 00:00:00 minute mark to the 00:07:30 minute mark.

Happy J tells us of the time when he sleepwalked into a 7-11 bathroom and was awakened by the smell of feces, opening his eyes to see '007 poop finger' written on the wall in booty paint. A play on 007 Gold Finger, James Bond. I didn't include a 7-11 scene, but if it's suitable, then add Winston following Happy J, who's sleepwalking, into a 7-11. 

NORM (yikes face) Yeah, and those were the biggest samples of urine and feces I think we'll ever see given to nurse Ratched. (looks around) Can I get a double oh seven cuckoo? 

CLOSE UP SHOT OF A C.G.I. WHITE CUCKOO CLOCK ON A WALL IN THE LIVING ROOM. Jesus in white robe comes out of the cuckoo clock door with His hands reaching out, saying 'You Who, You Who, You Who', three times. The clock face is Jesus on the cross, His arms as the clock hands. A white, schooner helm hangs on a chain from the bottom of the clock. A white, wooden-carved, holy-spirit dove is on the top of the clock.

OWL BERT He buzzed the door of her tikcy, tocky heart. Then, many moons later she asked, "Who is this, buzzing the door of my heart? Whooooo arrrrre yooooou?"

SAM You study the scriptures diligently because in them you think you have eternal life. These are the very scriptures that testify about Him, yet you refuse to come to Him to have eternal life.

TATOOEY (hearts in his eyes) You'd be crazy not to come to Him. He's the creator of the color spectrum of light and crackling thunder and Swiss cheese. And even worse, there'd be no Pink Floyd without Him. 

Dr. Abernethy gives Krystill the Rorschach test. He suspects she smokes pot. He prescribes Risperdal.

Krystill asks Jesus to guide her in marriage, should He grant her a husband. She makes an oath to Jesus to never smoke pot again. The next day, she smokes pot one last time at a party, to the song Going the Distance by Cake. She takes one hit from a four-foot bong, that wipes her out, causing her to pass out in a bedroom, where she dreams of Kanye West, Justin Bieber, Marilyn Manson, Alice Cooper, Herself and David Fedora. This is an adlibbed song dream sequence of DIO's the Last in Line sung by Marilyn Manson a.k.a. Biran Hugh Warner. She never smokes pot again after that. 

During The Last In Line dream and instrumental break: JESUS In Giant Form towering over the puny humans with His bronze feet, says this while he stands inside the crevasse abyss of hell that separates the saved and the unsaved... I came not to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance!!! For all have sinned and fall short from the glory of God! Woe to you, teachers of the law; on the outside you appear to be righteous, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness!!! You cannot serve God and money! You study the scriptures, because in them you think you have eternal life, yet you refuse to come to ME to have eternal life! Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow ME! Be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell! For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it! THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH!!!

9/11 twin towers go down, mom is crying telling Krystill what happened. KRYSTILL (not caring at all) "That's too bad. I'm sorry, but I really don't care about it right now". She then walks downtown and yells at Dr. Abernethy's psychiatrist office, saying, "I'm not smoking pot and I'm not taking your Risperdal either! Good riddance and goodbye to these ridiculous addictions that are ruining my life! Risperdal? My ass!" She's done with psychiatry and hospitals. Jesus is her directive.

Krystill speaks in thought narrative about taking an involuntary vow of silence for four years during short scenes that show some of what she did during those four years. At the end of the four years, she writes a letter to Zane Packer. She says in thought narrative, "If Zane responds to me, I'll end my world-record, vow of silence."

2005 - Krystill stays with boyfriend Zane. She has prerequisites that she talks about in thought narrative. No drugs, alcohol, criminal activity, pornography. She finds a dirty magazine in his linen closet. She almost leaves him, but he's sitting on the floor crying, banging the back of his head against the door. Feeling sorry for him, she stays with him for 6 months, then goes with him to his brothers for dinner, where it all goes to crap.

Carol calls Krystill on the phone and makes her laugh after Krystill tells her about the breakup with Zane. CAROL, "Muthah Buckah... Bob Suckah... Too tight for Tantilizing, Pitty Puckahs... Crappy Shady Shyte Smuckahs... Talk about your Ding Dong Nuckahs Spittin in the Tin Can Crappers... Make Me Wanna Slap Them Slappers." Carol also says, "Krystill, Jesus is in your heart." Krystill says, "I believe you."

Zane's sister-n-law Candace brings an apology, gift bag to Krystill's house that Krystill had placed on Candaces porch, the night before, on Halloween. Krystill is surprised and baffled that Candace is upset with the bag. Candace, with an unhappy face, gives Krystill the option to talk about the bag. Krystill is at a loss for words. Candace says, "Then we'll take it to the police." Krystill says, "Be my guest," and gently shuts the door in Candaces face.

Cops call Krystill telling her that the gift bag was sweet, yet Candace has put a restraining order on Krystill. Krystill, crying, looks down at the floor to see Jesus on a door, opening from her heart. He's wearing a gold crown with primary color gems, and He's holding a lamb. Krystill then goes into her backyard where she sees a vision within her mind, of a dry, stone bird bath with one seed sitting in the concaved, circular bath. Norm and the gang explain the 3D vision. 

KRYSTILL (speaks in thought narrative) I wouldn't know the meaning of these visions, until 20 years later. God's timing is everything. I am nothing without Him.

NORM After He buzzed the door to her heart, she asked Him, "Who Are You?" "Here I am!" He said, "I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me".

OWL BERT (holding a sword) The seed is the word of God. God is the Holy Spirit, the Word Bird. Krystill's heart of stone, lay barren, unable to grow the seed of the word. Only a knight in shining armor, with the sword of truth, doth stab her in the stony heart.  

2009 - Krystill works with 6'5" tall,12-year-old Lark in the middle school kitchen. One of the other student workers, a red-head boy, flirts with Krystill, which she ignores. Then Krystill becomes enamored by Lark due to his maturity compared to the other obnoxious kids. Krystill yells out to Jesus for help. "Jesus, I don't care how you do it! Bring the cops if you have to! I can't deal with this anymore! It's driving me crazy! Putting a giant 12-year-old in my path was a real whopper! Testing me, with your unfashionable charms? Ugh!" 

Then, through a written letter, she tells her boss how she feels. The cops come to her door, saying, "You no longer work at the middle school". Then her third, 3D vision appears at the foot of her bed as she's laying there, Jesus on the cross at the foot of her bed. Jesus falls down, piercing Krystill's heart with His crown of thorns. The ad-libbed song Better You Bet by The Who plays for a major rush of deep and meaningful Jesus.

Norm's cabin, the moose head says in a deep voice, "You moosed do as Jesus do's, for He paid your dues. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others before yourself, not looking to your own interests, but each of you to the interests of others. In relationship with each other, have the same mindset as Christ".

Krystill is wondering about David Fedora, who was with her at the 4-foot-bong party. She has a dream about her and David breathing under water, trying to clean themselves of sin with no success. This dream has deep meaning, with Jesus singing the ad-libbed song Learn to Swim, TOOL's Ainema. This dream comes half circle with the sink dream, and eventually ends up full circle at the end of the movie with one more dream. Norm and the gang say much on what this musical dream reveals, some of which is funny. 

NORM Well ain't that the pits. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their hand or in their forehead: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that have the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred, three score and six.

Poinsettia says her part on this matter after Winston does the devil horn symbol with his hands to the 666.

Krystill's mom dies. Then Krystill is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Krystill prays again to Jesus for a husband who will take care of her, now that she has a debilitating disease.

Krystill stares into the morning sun, yes stares directly into the sun. Remember she's a non-conformist, fearless. She then sees Jesus' face in the sky. Norm and his buddies explain what this means.

It finally occurs to Krystill to look up the meanings of all of her 3D visions in the bible, via the internet. She looks at other things on the internet and speaks in thought narrative when viewing other important things on the internet. This is the longest, continual dialogue in the screenplay. 

KRYSTILL (speaks in thought narrative) 

Krystill is still haunted by sexual desires that overwhelm her through dreams. She speaks in thought narrative about her watching some guy on youtube talking about Romans 12:2, which saves her from the torment of sexual demons or her sexually, deviant past of self-pleasure. Youtube guy on TV talks about Romans 12:2.

Krystill finally finds her old friend David. He tells her about contracting A.I.D.S., hitting rock bottom, and finding Jesus. Krystill tells him about her desire for marriage and how she gave three boyfriends marriage vows hoping they would eventually agree. Instead, they initiated sex, despite her plea for marriage first. She gave in. David tells her that her heart was in the right place, but that there needs to be an agreement for marriage to take place, and that sex before marriage is a sin. Krystill speaks to Jesus in front of David, "I've been fooling myself. Jesus, I give my life to You. Come into me and make me whole".

One-week later Krystill dreams that she is a dove, flying above the Columbia River. She then turns back into herself and is standing on water. The water has black rocks of sin and gold rocks of Jesus' payment for those sins. Krystill walks on water. The sky reads these words in fiery rainbow, "With the living waters of eternal life, the Holy Spirit extinguishes my inflammatory desire for sin. He anoints me with holy oil and fire". Most of the song Alive and Kicking by Simple Minds plays during this dream. Norm and the gang do more explaining of what this walking on water means.

NORM Anyone who holds onto their iniquities, in a sinking boat, will assuredly drown in their sins and end up in that dry place, that fiery pit. Let it go, and His blood will pay the toll. He is the captain, you are the helm. You are the vessel; you are the soul.

OWL BERT Whatever floats, your seagull butt. Lay dead in a rut or become a nut. The tree of life is a tree nutty. The trinity of the wisest three. How many licks does it take to get to the center of the truthy pop? One, Ta-HaHa-Who Are You, and Tree. Tree Point One Holy Floor. Three point one four. Pi Pi Pi. Nsync. Be like this lady, do the 180, or be left behind, Lot's salt-lady brine.

Krystill is now searching for a husband on a Christian dating site. She finds a man with OCD, who's on disability, who exchanges vows with her before they meet in person. They do a skype where Norm makes up a short, fairytale story on the spot. Then Norm comes to stay at her house to help her pack for the move to southern Oregon. As Tony drives Norm to the Safeway grocery store, Norm asks Krystill's dad for permission to marry her. Tony says yes.

NORM Tony, I'd like your permission to marry Krysti. TONY You know, Judy and I were married for 45 years, with the glue of unconditional love. I learned to put Judy before me, as my equal. Two people are like mirrors, if one goes below the level, the other might sink down and break the glass. Treat Krystill as your equal, or else she'll release the crackin!

Last song, Birdhouse in Your Soul ad-libs, plays with Jesus lip syncing the voice of David Spade. Norms gang is rocking out with crazy antics. Jesus follows a crazy man in Portland in the park blocks during the horn honking part of the song. 

Ray Comfort does his candid, off script interview in Norm's cabin with Tarl Warwick, Brian Hugh Warner, Kanye West, Justin Bieber, Alice Cooper, Billie Eilish, and musician Travis Scott. Duration 15 to 20 minutes.

Sam defines the word LOGOS, explains the root meaning of the word universe as in uni and verse, and recites a poem. Then he says, "Good day soldiers, I'm off to see my wife Samanthem".

Cookie Monster comes inside Norm's cabin and says, "Uh oh. Me must be very late. Nobody here." He inspects the communion food on the table. "Must have been boring party. Nobody eat goodies. Norm won't mind if me clean up."

Cookie Monster eats the holy Swiss Jesus, then picks up the punch bowl and chugs it as it spills all over his chest.  "Mmm, dat good grape juice." Cookie Monster defies gravity and floats up in the air. "Uh oh. Dis must be what Super Grover drink." Cookie Monster is floating outside in the night sky by the light of the cookie moon. Super Grover fly's by and does a double, take look at Cookie Monster after he passes by Cookie Monster.

Words appear on the night sky with cookie moon: IN LOVING MEMORY OF NORM MACDONALD AND BETTY WHITE. NORM (thought narrative) In the last days, God says, I will pour My spirit out on all flesh. People will prophesy, see visions and dream dreams. Before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord, the sun will turn dark and the moon to blood.

Jesus is holding the book in his lap that shows on its pages shot 2 from last scene.
Jesus closes the book and rests it flat on his lap as he sits in Norm's reading chair. JESUS: Who am I you ask? I am the pinnacle of the Holy Ghost Times Talon Agency. I'd love tah grab ya with my talons, and take you under my wings, where I use my beaker speaker to pluck out all the bad things caught in yer feathers. If you choose me as your advocate and friend, then not only did I pay for the atonement of your sins, I'll be your groom with HOLY FIRE. TRI me within the seclusion of your heart, mind and soul. Give peace a chance.

SHOT PANS OVER TO THE INDIANA JONES FRAME WHERE THE FRAME SHOWS ALL OF THE ITEMS THAT JESUS MENTIONS IN NEXT DIALOGUE. JESUS:  I'm the builder of life... music... humor... trees... dirt... water... fire... air... the color spectrum of light... freedom... justice... the epitome of love and emotions... reconciliation... restoration... and forgiveness. I'm the guy who started the ruckus when I flipped over the tax tables, set the birds free, and rattled the Pharisees. Do you choose Satan's shackles of death by embracing your sins, where eventually no human can buy or sell without the mark of the beast, or do you bow down to the eternal life of love, joy and laughter with me as your captain? Yeah, dat me, Captain Crunch Time. I AM... As in the light of...
JESUS (singing) Day oh... Day ay ay oh, Jesus Come and Me Won... Go Home. Lightening cracks down on Jesus, which turns Him into the Holy Spirit Dove. He flies into the camera, exploding into splatters of glowing, oily, rainbow, Jesus juice oozing all over the lens.  

Refer to this link for the ENCORE CREDITS (which is a performance all on it's own) and The ROLLING CREDIT SCREEN DISPLAY.

DVD and Blue ray Special Features are on the last page of the screenplay.

Click on the testimony link for original testimony written by Kristy.

SYNOPSIS TREATMENT :  Who Are You? The Wildly-Deranged,  True-Life Story of Krystill Lokos by Kristy Sokol Genres: / Faith / Comedy / Musica...